提供 – 公司 客戶識別信息

Client Identity Data ( CID )


If there has/have been change(s) to your CID since you last updated your CID with us, or you have not provided your CID according to the Order of Priority, please fill in the following with your most updated information in accordance with your client category.

    2. 如客戶為信託,請就貴公司的身份勾選適當的方格。
    For a client that is a trust, please indicate your capacity by checking the appropriate box.
    作為受託人 As trustee作為開立交易賬戶的資產管理公司 As asset management company who is the account holder作為開立交易賬戶的個別基金 As individual fund who is the account holder

    就身份證明文件類別而言,按以下優先次序排第:(1) 法律實體識別編碼(LEI)登記文件;(2) 公司註冊證明書;(3) 商業登記證;(4) 其他同等文件。
    For identity document type, the order of priority is (1) LEI registration document; (2) certificate of incorporation; (3) business registration certificate; (4) other equivalent documents. 

    Remarks: If the identification document (as required under the order of priority requirement of the SFC) is not provided during the account opening process or subsequent regular review, please provide us with a certified true copy of the identity document. For instance, for corporate client who has LEI registration document but such document is not provided in the account opening process or subsequent regular review, you are required to provide the above identification data and a certified true copy of LEI registration document to us accordingly.

    Please sign for verification, according to the signature style when opening your account.