提供 – 個人 / 聯名 客戶識別數據

Client Identity Data ( CID )

If there has/have been change(s) to your CID since you last updated your CID with us, or you have not provided your CID according to the Order of Priority, please fill in the following with your most updated information in accordance with your client category.

    5. 閣下是否以受託人身份提供 客戶識別資訊? 如沒有勾選 任何一格,益高證券將 假設閣下並非以受託人身份 提供客戶識別資訊。
    Are you providing the CID as a trustee? Yicko shall assume you are not a trustee if you have not checked any boxes.

    Remarks: If the identification document (as required under the order of priority requirement of the SFC) is not provided during the account opening process or subsequent regular review, please provide us with a certified true copy of the identity document. For instance, for individual client who has HKID card but such document is not provided in the account opening process or subsequent regular review, you are required to provide the above identification data and a certified true copy of HKID to us accordingly.